Monday, May 25, 2020

Analysis Of The Second Coming By William Butler Yeats

The Poem The Second Coming from William Butler Yeats is about Revolutions, (John 2.18). When Yeats wrote The Second Coming the world around him had so much violence and turmoil. While WW1 had just come to an end, The Russian Revolutions had started, and The Angelo Irish War was approaching. Because of all these events, Yeats was trying to come to terms with the end of an age and the future of the 20th Century changed, that to Yeats was leaving the future in chaos and leaving Yeats struggling to understand his personal belief on religion. This can be seen throughout the â€Å"The Second Coming† from Yeats, he uses a narrator to tell the story and through Yeats writing, he wanted to bring back the language of the old traditions of Ireland,†¦show more content†¦Yeats also uses the dramatic irony metaphor through the gyre. Yeats noted that the gyre is a spiraling motion in the shape of a cone, like a tornado that to him was the paradoxes of time and eternity that changed to continuity to the spirit and the body to life and art, the gyre to him illustrated the movement of major cycles of history and across the antiseptics of the human personality that to him compressed and embodied his personal mythology in his search of religion of great scope, linguistic force for incantatory power that left Yeats struggling and looking for new forms of religion in understanding Christianity. â€Å"The Second Coming† was written in January 1919 in the Literary Period of the 20th Century. â€Å"The Second Coming† is a political, economical, religious, social, intellectual, and artistic poem. Yeats uses his political voice as an Irish nationalist/ internationalism where he was viewed as a hard-nosed of a very political and being both a conservative and a radical, he wanted to weaken the British empire and eventually was appalled by political ideologies, in which he shows in â€Å"The Second Coming† the grim prophecy of warShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Second Coming By William Butler Yeats715 Words   |  3 PagesWilliam Butler Yeats’ poetry critiques the events of his turbulent context by expressing anxieties existing within society as well as within individuals. Composed at a time of fundamental change, post WWI and the Russian Revolution, Yeats’ modernistic poem The Second Coming highlights a chaotic and dysfunctional outlook for the future, ultimately depicting society’s uncertainties for the unknown future. 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Born the son of a well known Irish painter and religious skeptic had many influences in his life. Eventually, he converted to Paganism from Christianity. He is till this day considered one of the greatest poets that ever lived. To understand the meaning of William Butler Yeats poem â€Å"The Second Coming†, you must first understand the difference between Christianity and Paganism. Yeats was raised as a Christian and turnedRead MoreThe Second Coming by William Yeats1288 Words   |  6 PagesWilliam Butler Yeats, a multitalented individual won the Nobel Prize in 1923. Born the son of a well known Irish painter and religious skeptic had many influences in his life. Eventually, he converted to Paganism from Christianity. He is till this day considered one of the greatest poets that ever lived. To understand the meaning of William Butler Yeats poem The Second Coming, you must first understand the difference between Christianity and Paganism. 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